Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stromboli...sort of

OK, so maybe it's not Stromboli but what else would you call it?? And yea, it's what. It's still yummy so bite me. Wait, no, bite the food, not me.

OK, so step one, go buy your favorite take and bake pizza (Papa Murphy's is mine!) I recommend going light on the sauce but if you don't, so what. No biggie. See, pizza. This one was a chicken, with a bit of bacon and some other stuff...I forgot and the kids were whining. (Oh, tip, get a pizza that comes on a baking tray, so much easier!!)

So that was easy right? OK, stay with me now! You'll want to lightly "scrape", move or somehow relocate the toppings from the sides towards the center all the way down. So what you'll want is two semi-bare sides and the toppings going from top to bottom in the center. Kind of like this:
It doesn't have to be perfect just so that the majority of stuff is in the center. 

After that take a pizza cutter or other sharp cutting device and make around 10-12 slits on each side towards the center. Basically act like you would be cutting completely through but don't! You'll want to leave the middle uncut where all the toppings are. 

Once you have made all the cuts you will make a small fold at the top to help hold in everything...OK, I think it's more to make things look pretty. Either way, just fold the dough down a bit...sort of like this...
If nothing else it will make pizza, er, Stromboli, er, will make the FOOD easier to move when it's all done baking. Then begin cris-crossing them almost like you're braiding them. 
Finish "braiding" it all the way down and pop it in the oven. I baked mine at 375 for about 25 or 30 minutes. Once it looked like this, I took it out, let it rest for a few minutes and ate it up. 
So, give it a try, it's good stuff. And I promise I won't tell anyone your secret. It's safe with me...for now anyway. 

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