Tuesday, November 13, 2012

So I realized that it's been a few months since my last post. Guess I got a little busy...me busy???

In the last month I've lost my job (long story, if you know me, you know the story, if you don't, well, I'm not going into it right now, let's just say that I'm NOT happy about it and YES I'm fighting to get it back!!!)

So, I'm looking for work, trying to think about a new job after having this one for the last nine years is not an easy thought. When you do something you love for so long, with so many people that you love it's heartbreaking to think of doing something else. I'm faithful in knowing that it's all in God's hands.

In the interim I've been attempting to finally get my cookbook finished. I have quite the list of recipes, wanna see it? To bad, I don't have it with me =P But rest assured there are over 50 recipes on there, hopefully I'll have it published through Amazon in the next few weeks and then you can buy a copy!!! If I'm able to set the price I am thinking that it'll be around $10.

Otherwise I'm still volunteering at the church every Tuesday with the food pantry, we've been getting busier and I've had more people step up to help. It's such a blessing to so many people!! I've also started helping out with the youth group more, on Wednesday nights I get to help run the games, giggle, that REALLY brings the kid out in me =D

I'm getting excited for Christmas, Carinda and I worked on organizing the craft room yesterday and I realized I have a lot of supplies so if you get a present from me this year, chances are it's something I made! Of course, knowing my sewing skills (or lack there of??) Lord only knows what I'll end up making, LOL!!

I guess that's about it for now, hopefully I'll post again sooner rather than later =)

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