Thursday, May 3, 2012

Heaven for the Halibut

Hubby and I were blessed to receive some VERY AWESOME halibut this week and while I could eat it baked, broiled, bbq'd or fried hubby really loves his fish and chips. Well of course that dinner was so epic, I felt it needed a blog post of it's own! So how is the best gosh darn kick Skippers and Long John Silvers in the no no parts fried fish made? SIMPLY. To many people try to add to many ingredients into their batter and you lose the flavor or the batter is to heavy and you wind up with a piece of fish in a loaf of fried bread. So come along with me on a little journey and you won't regret it!

This recipe is one I snagged from the Naked Chef himself, Jamie Oliver.
(should the link at some point in time go bad I'll tell you now his basic recipe is 2 egg whites stiffly beaten.1 cup flour mixed with 1 cup beer, then fold in the egg whites. Because I use so much of it I do 3 egg whites, 1 1/2 cups flour and 12 ounces of beer). Flour, beer, egg whites and some good hot oil. It's yummy and so light and crispy. I do add a teaspoon of salt to the batter and I prefer a good ale with his recipe.

I heat my oil up to 350/360 degrees. Then I cut my fish (halibut of course is really great but cod works too!) into 1 1/2-2" squares.

Whip up your egg whites until good and stiff and set them aside. Mix together your beer and flour (and salt if desired) and fold in your egg whites. It's the carbonation from the beer and the egg whites that give this batter it's light and crispy texture. See the bubbles? You want that!!

If your fish is wet then pat it dry with a paper towel and then give it a dunk into your batter. Pull it out and let the excess drip off. Yes, the batter is thin, trust me, it's OK! Lay it down into the hot oil, I cook 3 or 4 pieces at 350/360 degrees for about 6-7 minutes. It will be golden brown on the outside when it's done and light and flaky on the inside.

Oh and the batter? There is a reason why I always make more. Onion rings? Yes please! Again, 350/360 degrees, 2-4 minutes flipping halfway. Times really depend on thickness.

This batter works well with pretty much ANY veggie that you can fry. Zucchini is really good too...I was sad I didn't have any tonight!! I do however have 5 more beers from the 6 pack I bought to make tonight's dinner and since I don't drink I see 5 more yummy dinners in my future!!!

Happy Eating!

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