I can't tell you how many times I have say and wondered about life. The good things, the bad things and everything in between. I used to think that my life was so-so or even worse but once I started paying really close attention I must say I really have been blessed and really do without a doubt live "the good life". Oh sure we are fairly broke and life could have more options if we had more money but putting that aside I still have way more than so many others. I have friends who have never married or have kids yet I'm blessed with a husband who I know loves me even with all of my faults. He loves me even though I know he's more of a neat nick and I'm only organized in my spirit-in my physical life I am in a constant battle with clutter. He loves me regardless of my looks or my weight and he's seen me as a size 4 and as a size 18 and everywhere in between. He loves me on days when I'm cranky and when I'm lovable and cuddly. While I do whine and often try to (jokingly) attempt to "sell" or "give away" my kids they know that I would lay my own life down for them and I live to make their life better. I pray they learn from my mistakes and so far, so good. I have a house and while I know that we might have to move at some point to down size (I laughingly question if that's possible but I know not to "dare" Murphy and his law!!!) but point being I have a roof over my head and a place to call home. I have a vehicle to drive and a job to go to as well. I have family and friends I can call on when I am in need of prayer or when I want to share a laugh. I have clothes on my back (front too!) and food in my stomach. I know there is food to make dinner with and I could share some too.
Above all these blessings I still find time to complain. I whine about my health when people are dying of all sorts of things or simply have their life taken from them as a result of something tragic. I complain about my weight when I know if I would put down the Oreos (and chocolate, and candy, and pie and, and and...) and maybe move a bit more I would be skinnier. I frown upon my children when they don't do their chores but I think about all the crap I did at their age and am thankful that they don't smoke, drink and aren't sexually active. I get frustrated when I can't sleep because my husband snores, yet I know many friends who have never married and many who have lost their husband due to death or divorce.
So who am I to complain? Who am I to question all these blessings and whine at God that I "need" more. I most certainly don't. I have all I need and I have the knowledge that God supplies my needs so it's up to me to lay that faith in His hands and watch him work. While I do feel old some days, Christ has been around a LOT longer than I and something tells me that he knows how to meet my needs better than I do.
And so I trust in His word, in His law, in His way, in His promise and in His will. It's not always easy but it's always satisfying to my soul.
God Bless you this CHRISTmas Season <3